Everything about the color Cyan

The meaning of the color cyan and color combinations to inspire your next creation.

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What color is cyan?

Cyan is a bright, vivid shade of blue-green, positioned between blue and green on the color wheel. It often evokes feelings of freshness and tranquility, reminiscent of clear skies and tropical waters.

What are similar colors to cyan?

For variations within the same bright and refreshing spectrum as cyan, consider:

  • Teal (#008080) shares cyan's blue-green hue but with a darker, more muted tone, offering a sophisticated and calming effect.
  • Turquoise (#40E0D0) is similar to cyan but leans slightly more towards green, providing a vibrant and energizing feel.
  • Aqua (#00FFFF) is virtually identical to cyan, sharing the same bright and lively characteristics.
  • Aquamarine (#7FFFD4) is a lighter, more pastel version of cyan, adding a soft, soothing touch to the palette.

What color goes with cyan?

To complement cyan's bright and refreshing tones, consider pairing it with:

  • Coral (#FF7F50) offers a warm, contrasting hue that enhances cyan's coolness.
  • Peach (#FFE5B4) provides a soft, warm contrast that balances cyan's vibrant energy.
  • Lavender (#E6E6FA) adds a gentle, calming effect that pairs well with cyan's brightness.
  • Mint (#98FF98) offers a fresh, harmonious blend with cyan's cool tones.
  • Gold (#FFD700) introduces a touch of luxury and warmth that complements cyan's lively nature.

What color conflicts with cyan?

To avoid clashing with cyan's vibrant and cool tones, consider avoiding:

  • Burgundy (#800020) can overpower cyan's brightness with its deep, rich hue.
  • Maroon (#800000) may create a heavy, unbalanced look when paired with cyan.
  • Taupe (#483C32) could dull the vibrancy of cyan with its muted, earthy tone.
  • Beige (#F5F5DC) may neutralize the intensity of cyan, resulting in a less dynamic combination.
  • Cream (#FFFDD0) risks washing out cyan's vividness with its soft, pale shade.

What does the color cyan represent?

Cyan often symbolizes clarity, calmness, and rejuvenation, reminiscent of clear skies and tranquil waters. It is associated with freshness and vitality, evoking a sense of peace and relaxation. Psychologically, cyan can promote feelings of tranquility and balance, helping to reduce stress and anxiety. It is often used to create a sense of openness and freedom, encouraging communication and creativity. In art, photography, and design, cyan is used to convey a modern, clean aesthetic, often employed in digital media to create a sense of space and depth. Its bright, eye-catching nature makes it a popular choice for highlighting and drawing attention in various visual compositions.

What's the history of cyan?

The name "cyan" is derived from the Greek word "kyanos," meaning dark blue. It became widely recognized in the 19th century with the development of synthetic dyes and pigments. Cyan gained prominence as a primary color in the subtractive color model used in printing, alongside magenta and yellow. In modern times, cyan is frequently used in digital displays and printing technologies, where it serves as a primary color in the CMYK color model, essential for producing a wide range of colors.

Color Variations




Color Palettes






Images with cyan color

Color Conversions

rgb(0, 255, 255)
rgb(0%, 100%, 100%)
100, 0, 0, 0
hsl(180, 100%, 50%)
180, 100, 100
91, -48, -14
54, 79, 100
91, 50, 196
00000000, 11111111, 11111111
iOS - SwiftUI
Color(red: 0, green: 1, blue: 1)
iOS - UIKit
UIColor(red: 0, green: 1, blue: 1, alpha: 1.0)
Android - Compose

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