Everything about
the color Tan
The meaning of the color Tan and color combinations to inspire your next creation.

What is the color Tan?

Tan is a light brownish color with a hex code of #D2B48C. To mix this color, you will need to combine equal parts of brown and white.

The history of Tan

Tan is a color that is included in the brown family. It is a color that is made when you mix together white and brown. The word tan came from the Latin word tannare, which means “to convert into leather.” The first recorded use of the word tan as a color name in English was in the year 1590. Tan became a popular color to use for clothing in the 19th century. The word tan can also be used as a verb, which means “to make (a skin) brown by exposure to the sun.”

The meaning of Tan

The color tan is often associated with skin tones, as it is a close color to many shades of brown skin. It is also associated with the desert, as it is a common color found in sand. Tan can also be associated with fall and winter, as it is a color that is found in leaves during those seasons. Tan is sometimes seen as a neutral color, as it can go with many other colors. It is also seen as a calming color, as it is not as jarring as some other colors.

How to use the color Tan

Tan is a great color to use in design because it can be used as a neutral or as an accent color. It goes well with a variety of colors, including white, black, gray, and brown. When using tan as an accent color, it's important to consider the overall color scheme of the design. Tan can be a good color to use in a room with a lot of natural light, as it will reflect the light and help to brighten up the space. Tan is also a good color to use in a room that you want to look warm and inviting.

rgb(210, 180, 140)
rgb(210, 180, 140)
hsl(34.30000000000001, 43.7%, 68.6%)
Palettes from the community
with the color Tan
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