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Acme F/W Shoot



Acme F/W Shoot


Acme F/W Shoot

For the F/W Season, Acme will produce a spectacular series of images, all produced wit|

And lo, the Holy Chicken did rise from the coop, clucking, "Blessed be the eggs, for they shall be laid and eaten!" The disciples, in their feathered robes, flocked to hear the Chicken's wisdom. "Peck ye one another, and love thy neighbor's corn." Thus, the Chicken Gospel spread.

And lo, the Holy Chicken did rise from the coop, clucking, "Blessed be the eggs, for they shall be laid and eaten!" The disciples, in their feathered robes, flocked to hear the Chicken's wisdom. "Peck ye one another, and love thy neighbor's corn." Thus, the Chicken Gospel spread.




Nail your pitch in no time

A fast way to create online presentations, pitches and treatments, in minutes – not weeks.

Nail your pitch in no time

A fast way to create online presentations, pitches and treatments, in minutes – not weeks.

Create with AI

A copilot to ideate, write, layout and pull visuals for you.

Create with AI

A copilot to ideate, write, layout and pull visuals for you.

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Generating with AI

Share with a link

One click to publish and share your presentation with anyone as a micro-site.

Share with a link

One click to publish and share your presentation with anyone as a micro-site.

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Share link




Work together to present your shared vision.


Work together to present your shared vision.

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Space has captivated our imaginations for millennia. The vast expanse of the cosmos beckons to be explored. This project represents the next leap in our journey to understand the universe. With cutting-edge technology and a visionary team, we will push the boundaries of |






Focus on story and content, not layouts and kerning. Take a pick from pre-designed layouts, and let your story speak.


Focus on story and content, not layouts and kerning. Take a pick from pre-designed layouts, and let your story speak.

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  • Lorum Ipsum


    Lorum Ipsum



    Space has captivated our imaginations for millennia. The vast expanse of the cosmos beckons to be explored. This project represents the next leap in our journey to understand the universe. With cutting-edge technology and a visionary team, we will push the boundaries of space exploration and discovery. The possibilities are endless, and our excitement knows no bounds as we embark on this groundbreaking mission. Together, let us reach for the stars and see what wonders await us in the great beyond.




    Space has captivated our imaginations for millennia. The vast expanse of the cosmos beckons to be explored. This project represents the next leap in our journey to understand the universe. With cutting-edge technology and a visionary team, we will push the boundaries of space exploration and discovery. The possibilities are endless, and our excitement knows no bounds as we embark on this groundbreaking mission. Together, let us reach for the stars and see what wonders await us in the great beyond.


  • Lorum Ipsum

    The Wedding

    Lorum Ipsum



    Space has captivated our imaginations for millennia. The vast expanse of the cosmos beckons to be explored. This project represents the next leap in our journey to understand the universe. With cutting-edge technology and a visionary team, we will push the boundaries of space exploration and discovery. The possibilities are endless, and our excitement knows no bounds as we embark on this groundbreaking mission. Together, let us reach for the stars and see what wonders await us in the great beyond.


  • Lorum Ipsum


    Lorum Ipsum



    Space has captivated our imaginations for millennia. The vast expanse of the cosmos beckons to be explored. This project represents the next leap in our journey to understand the universe. With cutting-edge technology and a visionary team, we will push the boundaries of space exploration and discovery. The possibilities are endless, and our excitement knows no bounds as we embark on this groundbreaking mission. Together, let us reach for the stars and see what wonders await us in the great beyond.




    EXT. SPACE A small spacecraft drifts through the inky blackness of space. Stars twinkle against the vast expanse. The craft's engines glow a faint blue as it approaches a reddish planet in the distance. INT. SPACECRAFT Three astronauts sit strapped into seats in the cramped interior, wearing bulky white spacesuits. The cockpit is filled with blinking lights, switches and screens displaying data.


  • Lorum Ipsum


    Lorum Ipsum



    Space has captivated our imaginations for millennia. The vast expanse of the cosmos beckons to be explored. This project represents the next leap in our journey to understand the universe. With cutting-edge technology and a visionary team, we will push the boundaries of space exploration and discovery. The possibilities are endless, and our excitement knows no bounds as we embark on this groundbreaking mission. Together, let us reach for the stars and see what wonders await us in the great beyond.




    Space has captivated our imaginations for millennia. The vast expanse of the cosmos beckons to be explored. This project represents the next leap in our journey to understand the universe. With cutting-edge technology and a visionary team, we will push the boundaries of space exploration and discovery. The possibilities are endless, and our excitement knows no bounds as we embark on this groundbreaking mission. Together, let us reach for the stars and see what wonders await us in the great beyond.


  • Lorum Ipsum

    The Wedding

    Lorum Ipsum



    Space has captivated our imaginations for millennia. The vast expanse of the cosmos beckons to be explored. This project represents the next leap in our journey to understand the universe. With cutting-edge technology and a visionary team, we will push the boundaries of space exploration and discovery. The possibilities are endless, and our excitement knows no bounds as we embark on this groundbreaking mission. Together, let us reach for the stars and see what wonders await us in the great beyond.


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Kive makes life easier if you’re building a brand. Common tasks like coming up with social media ideas, ad campaigns, producing visual content or managing all your various assets become effortless. It’s an indispensable platform for brands with a creative assistant built in.


Copyright © 2024 Kive

Kive makes life easier if you’re building a brand. Common tasks like coming up with social media ideas, ad campaigns, producing visual content or managing all your various assets become effortless. It’s an indispensable platform for brands with a creative assistant built in.