ML Engineer - Creative AI

We’re looking for a highly driven, ambitious, and autonomous Machine Learning Engineer with a focus on visual/generative AI to join our team.

Do you have a passion for turning research into practical applications? ✨

We are a fast-growing Stockholm-based startup with a team of 15, working on a cutting-edge creative product with AI at its core. We believe machine learning and AI are about to redefine what it means to be a creative, who can be part of a creative process and that creativity and AI are a uniquely powerful combination and an incredibly exciting field work in. We pride ourselves on our ability to rapidly adopt new developments, stay curious, and adapt quickly to changing circumstances.

In this role you will

Do R&D

  • Stay up to date with the latest research and advancements in the field of visual AI and machine learning.

  • Design, prototype, and evaluate new algorithms and models

  • Conduct experiments and iterate on models to optimize performance and ensure their applicability to our product.

Implement and integrate models

  • Develop production-ready code to implement state-of-the-art machine learning models.

  • Work closely with our engineering team to integrate these models into our product, ensuring seamless functionality and a high-quality user experience.

  • Continuously monitor the performance of deployed models, making adjustments as necessary to improve accuracy and efficiency.

  • Shape and set up systems, infrastructure, tools, and processes for running, training, and deploying models, ensuring fast and confident progress

  • Build and maintain data pipelines for collecting, processing, and egesting data needed for your models

Collaborate and Communicate

  • Actively participate in team meetings and discussions, sharing your expertise, ideas, and insights.

  • Collaborate with cross-functional teams, including product managers, designers, and engineers, to help shape the direction of our product.

  • Clearly communicate complex concepts and findings to both technical and non-technical stakeholders.

You'll be a great fit if


  1. Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, Machine Learning, or a related field (Master's or Ph.D. preferred).

  2. 3+ years of experience working on machine learning projects, with a focus on visual/generative AI (e.g., computer vision, diffusion, transformers, LLMs, style transfer, etc.).

  3. Solid understanding of machine learning concepts and techniques, as well as their underlying mathematical principles.

  4. Proficiency in Python and experience with machine learning frameworks such as TensorFlow, PyTorch, or Keras.

  5. Experience with computer vision libraries (e.g., OpenCV) and familiarity with image processing techniques.

  6. Strong programming skills and a proven ability to write efficient, clean, and maintainable code.

  7. Excellent problem-solving, critical thinking, and communication skills.

Preferred Qualifications

  1. Strong interest in creative applications of AI and a passion for pushing the boundaries of what is possible.

  2. Proven track record of contributing to research in the field of visual AI or machine learning, as demonstrated by publications or open-source projects.

  3. Experience working in a fast-paced startup environment.

  4. Familiarity with Agile methodologies and the ability to adapt quickly to changing priorities.

  5. Familiarity with developer tools and processes (i.e., git, peer reviews, CI/CD, unit testing, terraform/pulumi, Docker)

  • Business-oriented mindset, prioritizing delivering value to users over perfecting models

What we offer

A challenging and fulfilling opportunity to contribute to the development of a groundbreaking creative product.

A supportive, collaborative, and innovative work environment with a team of like-minded individuals.

An opportunity to join an early-stage company and influence how we build the company before there are too many processes and structures in place.

Competitive salary and an attractive equity program in a start-up funded by top investors Creandum (1st investor Spotify, iZettle, depop) and EQT Ventures (Einride, Sonantic). πŸ¦„

A learning environment, with interesting challenges to solve and an ambitious team to support you.

A flexible work setup – work from home or join us in the office located in the heart of Stockholm.

Work in an organisation where data is not an afterthought and a β€œside interest” but something that is there and has a seat at the table from the start.

Perks and Benefits


Business co-ownership


Business co-ownership


Fitness stipend


Fitness stipend


No qualifying days


No qualifying days


Personal learning budget


Personal learning budget


Swap public holidays


Swap public holidays






6 weeks paid vacation


6 weeks paid vacation


The tools you need


The tools you need